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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

God's Representative

Given November 29, 2005
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ; 2 Corinthians 5:20. Whether we know it or not, we, as Christians, are representatives of God on the earth. We go about doing the things we do, saying the things we say, and looking the way we look as a representative, an extension, if you will, of God.

Think about it...what if the spokesman of a fitness facility was a big overweight guy? Or...a guy with real Billy-Bob teeth was advertising a new dentist's office? Or...the #1 gal on the Top Ten Worst-dressed list was in front of the camera for a clothing store? You wouldn't think much about the business, would you? Well, what kind of an image are we showing to the world when we carry the name of Christian and have a fish symbol on our cars but act badly, talk hateful, and look sloppy? Not too good of one! Today, think of yourself as an actual representative of God with a sign around your neck as you go about your business. You are, you know.

Who's Driving This Thing?

Given November 29, 2005
During prayer this morning, I received a vision of the church. Here is this big wagon with all the church people in it and the pastor is trying to pull it himself! He's having a rough time of it because it's so heavy and many of the people inside are complaining because they're moving so slowly.

Well, one guy sees how hard it is for the pastor and gets out of the wagon and begins helping to pull, then another, and another. The "church wagon" begins to move more efficiently and quickly and when it gets to its destination, those who helped to pull are high-fiving and hugging each other for a job well done! They worked well as a team. However, you're still going to have a wagon full of people not willing to get out of the wagon and help pull but are just along for the ride. And, some will always complain about how things are moving.

I encourage you, and myself, to get out of the wagon today and help pull. The church will benefit and you will be rewarded as well. "And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus." Matthew 14:29

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Here, You Do It

Given Spring 2004
Our pastor preached a sermon on the power of the Holy Spirit tonight that reminded me of another illustration I heard.

Several demons were harassing this guy when he cried out to God for help. God arrived, got out this humongus gun and blew the demons away! He reloaded the gun and gave it to this guy and said, "Now, you know what to do with it." The guy said, "Wow, thanks." He put the gun up on the mantle where he could look at it every morning. It sure looked good. He even polished it every once in awhile.

A few weeks later, more demons were ransacking this guy's house and he cried out to God again to come get rid of these guys. God arrived but said, "I'm not going to do anything this time." He got the gun down off the mantle and said, "Here, you do it!", and stepped back and folded His arms. Looking puzzled, the guy timidly took the gun, pointed it toward the demons, and fired. The demons were gone! He said excitedly, "Hey God, look what I did! Isn't this great?" And God replied, "Yes, you did good. Now the next time, use this powerful weapon I've given you to take care of the enemy."

Isn't that just like we are? Through salvation and the Holy Spirit, we've been given powerful weapons to use against the enemy but we usually will cry out to God or the pastor to come and do it for us. Realize today that we have the power within us to defeat the enemy! So get that big gun off the shelf and use it to blow the devil out of your house and your affairs. God will be watching your back. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Be Thankful

We had our traditional Thanksgiving Day meal on Wednesday this year. It has been pressing for our two married sons and their families to attend the festivities at the homes of both sets of parents so our youngest son, (number three is in China), suggested doing it a day early. It worked out great!

I wanted to share what God impressed me to pray as we returned thanks over the meal. We gave thanks to God for blessings of the past, things we are aware of but also things He has done for us that we may not have known about. We thanked God for blessings of the present, things He is working on now even though we may not be able to see any evidence of His hand at work in our lives in a particular area. And, we thanked God for blessings of the future, the things He has planned for us as we look to Him as our source of everything.

God was telling me to share with the family that, if we lean on Him, seek His ways, and ask for His help, He will respond. But...we may not always see the results or understand why something didn't work out like we wanted it to. That's where faith and trust comes in; even though we don't understand, we trust that God knows what He's done in the past, is doing in the present and will do in the future. "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name." Psalms 100:4

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I Can Do It Myself!

Given November 22, 2005
My three year-old granddaughter was putting on her coat before leaving and I went to fasten the buttons for her. She pulled away and exclaimed, "No, Pawpaw. I can do it myself!" I was frustrated because I knew she'd have a very difficult time with it but I let her go ahead and try. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, she said, "Pawpaw, can you help me?"

I realized today that I am just like that with God sometime. He has a plan for me, provided a way for me to be successful at it, and wants to help me do it. But, many times, I say, "No, I'll do it myself!" Then when I make a mess of things or can't get it done, I'll go to Him and ask for His help. When am I, and you too, going to learn to let go of that silly pride and let God do what He wants to do with us? By faith, it's gonna be soon! I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phillipians 4:13

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Conversation With God

Given November 4, 2004
One morning during prayer, I was asking God for help in getting my wife and I to pray together more. I said, "God, join us together in unity." He said, "I have." I said, "God, give me the boldness to do it." He said, "I have." I said, "Well God, give me a kick in the pants to get me going!" God laughed!

You know, God has already given us what we need and the power and authority to carry out His plan for us. Our problem is we've been sitting back and waiting for God to do it for us! Get up and get to it! And if God has to give us a kick in the pants as encouragement, so be it!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Complete The Circuit!

Given April 30, 2002
God said through Isaiah in chapter 55 verse 11, "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." I was listening to a message about this and I wondered about how God's words are supposed to return to Him. This is the revelation I received:

It's like electricity, it doesn't accomplish anything until it travels through the wires, through a conductor, and returns to the source where the circuit is completed. There is no result until the circuit is completed!

God's words come to us through the Bible, preachers, prayer, and His inner voice. We receive His words, we are the conductor. But there will be no result until we speak out those words, in faith, and they go back to Him where the circuit is completed. Then, His intended purpose will be manifested in our lives. Don't keep His words only in your ears or heart. Speak them out, they are powerful!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

"You do It, I'll Back You Up"

Given October 7, 2004
During morning prayer, I saw myself bring a group of sick to the Throne, line them up in front of God and ask Him to heal them. But God says, "Bill, you go ahead and lay your hands on them and I'll back you up." As I obeyed, the power of God flowed from Him to my hands and the people were healed! I look up at God in wonderment and He is smiling and nodding as if to say, "That's my boy." If we'd just realize and believe that God's Word is true, what a difference we could make! "...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. " Matthew 16:18

Get In The Light!

Given long ago
Something our pastor said this morning reminded me of a vision God gave me several years ago. I saw myself in a darkened area with a shaft of bright light shining down to my left. I was moving all around the area with my "busyness", (is that a word?), going from place to place doing "my" thing. The light represented the blessing of God and I wanted the light to chase me around in everything I was doing so I could be blessed.

God said it doesn't work like that. The light is stationery and, if I want to be in the blessing of God's light, I need to go to where the light is and get in it. To paraphrase Isaiah 30:21, There is the light, go get in it...

God has a plan and a pathway already laid out for us. We have to pray and study His Word to find out where the light is and...walk ye in it.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Getting Things Done In The Spirit

Given April 26, 2002
God showed me this procedure and gave me some insight on it.
1. Annoint 2. Lay on hands 3. Pray the prayer of faith 4. Cast your care and don't worry

Now, the devil will surely put thoughts in your head about not believing what you've prayed to receive. Don't think those thoughts! The Bible says, "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;' 2 Corinthians 10:5. Capture those thoughts and get rid of them! When you cast your cares on the Lord, you don't have to even think about them; God is taking care of it. If you allow fear to come back in, what you're doing is, taking back what you casted away!

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phillipians 4:8. And, not only think on these things but speak them out! Our words, lining up with Scripture, have POWER.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

See Them As Jesus Did

Given November 8, 2005
This morning, I heard a news report about a "shock jock" TV and radio host who is particularily vulgar on air and in his life and makes $96,000 a day! As I was ironing my shirt, I said, "God, why do you let this guy live? Why don't you just take him out?" Immediately, my mind went to Zacchaeus' house and I said, "Well, if you were here, you'd go to his house for lunch, wouldn't you?"

Jesus sees people differently than we do. He loves them just like He loves us. We need to do the same. We need to pray for these people.

I immediately repented and thought what a witness it would be if this "shock jock" got saved! It could happen; look what happened to Saul of Tarsus. Think about it.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Food For The Body, Food For The Spirit

Given January 4, 2002
We know the importance of and the result of feeding our natural body. What happens? We are nourished, become stronger, become bigger, (not always a good thing), and life is sustained. If we don't feed ourselves, we will become weak, lose our abilities and eventually die. So we should feed our bodies with food that is appropriate and that will do us good.

In the same way, we need to feed our spiritual bodies. When we do, with good spiritual food like God's Word, Christian fellowship, and uplifting music, our spirits will grow, become stronger, bigger, (which is a good thing), and our present and eternal lives are sustained. Pay attention to what you're feeding your spirit. We need a strong spirit to fend off the wiles of the devil.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Whats Following you?

Given November 6, 2005
During the alter prayer time this evening, I was "laying down" those things that would hinder my walk with God. Things like temper, pride, timidity and bad habits; all were laid down at the alter. Now, I've heard many times that what Christians do is lay these things down then pick them back up again later, we don't leave them there.

Tonight, however, God showed me that sometimes these things follow you out the door. They follow you around tempting you to pick them back up again. I could see these pests badgering me to let them back in my life. Then the scripture came to mind, "Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow you..." Psalm 23:6. This is what I want! Goodness and Mercy, not those ungodly things following me. When the Goodness and Mercy twins are following me, the other stuff can't get near.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Want To See God Move?

Given November 4, 2004
Most of the time, we'll say, "God, show me and I'll believe." However, God says, " Believe and I'll show you." It always works that way, God's way, which is just the opposite of the world's way. That's faith! What do you want to see God do in your life? Believe and be amazed!
As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe. Mark 5:36

Defeating Fear

Given September 2004
Fear is like a bully who pushes you around and controls you through how you percieve the situation. But, like a bully, if you will take one step of courage toward him and not back down, he will back up. Step out in faith with the power of God behind you and push that bully of fear back! You don't have to put up with it! For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7