Slippery Road
Given October 29, 2007
While walking back to my truck from my Monday night class last night, I was talking to God about the times I mess up. You all mess up too, don't you? Well, I do sometimes and I was asking God why I slip and fall occasionally. His answer was simple and one, that if someone else would have said it to me, I would have said, "Well, duh!".
God's answer was, "You slip and fall because you choose to walk on a slippery road.". I had to say, "Yeah, that's right.". The times when I slip and fall are the times when I venture into areas that I know are slippery. The slippery surface doesn't just suddenly appear in front of me, unavoidable. I usually make a choice to go there or not, to think something or not, say something or not, or to do something or not. My choice!
God has told me from His Word, "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, Isaiah 30:21". God constantly tells me which way to go but it's MY choice whether to follow His path or go off on my own. " In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6". When I wander off the path, I'm onto slippery ground and will probably slip and fall.
But, because He loves me so much which I don't really understand why, God is always there on the right path waiting to take me back and continue the journey. But again, it's MY choice whether to repent and get back on track or not. With God's help, I will not set foot on those slippery surfaces today. Amen?
Labels: fall, God's Word, narrow path, path, repent, walk
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